The Joint Admission test for Masters (JAM) is conducted to provide admissions to (I) M.Sc., (ii) M.Sc. (Tech.), (iii) MS (Research), (iv) M.Sc. – M.Tech. Dual Degree, (v) Joint M.Sc. – Ph.D., and (vi) M.Sc. – Ph.D. Dual Degree, at the IITs for taking up science as a career option for the students
IIT JAM 2024

About IIT JAM 2024
Joint Admission test for Masters (JAM) has been established as a benchmark for the undergraduate level science education in the country from last two decades. The objective of JAM is to provide admissions to postgraduate Degree Programmes and to consolidate Science as a career option for the students across the country. These programmes offer high-quality education in their respective disciplines, comparable to the best in the world. The curricula for these programmes are designed to provide the students with opportunities to develop academic talent leading to challenging and rewarding professional life. The interdisciplinary content of the curricula enable the students with the ability to utilize scientific knowledge for practical applications. These programmes are open to all eligible students irrespective of their nationality. The medium of instruction is English for all the programmes.
General Information
- Candidates seeking admission to select postgraduate programmes for the academic year 2024-25 must appear in JAM 2024 Examination. There is no age restriction.
- JAM 2024 Examination will be held on February 11, 2024 (Sunday).
- JAM 2024 Examination will be conducted as a Computer Based Test in SEVEN Test Papers, namely, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Economics, Geology, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, and Physics.
- JAM 2024 Examination will be conducted in around 100 Cities in India.
- Admission shall be given as per All India Rank (AIR) in each Test Paper of JAM 2024, reservation policy of Government of India, and the availability of seats.
- The list of academic programmes, number of seats, eligibility requirements and minimum educational qualifications of each of the programmes mentioned in the Information Brochure are subject to change, as per the policy of Admitting Institutes.
- JAM 2024 is open to all nationals (Indian/Foreign). For admission, foreign nationals are required to satisfy the rules and regulations of the Admitting Institute pertaining to foreign students. For further details, they are advised to contact the concerned Admitting Institutes.
- The candidates who have either completed or will be appearing in the final examination of their qualifying degree in 2024 are eligible to appear in JAM 2024. By qualifying in JAM 2024, candidates can apply for admission subject to the conditions that (a) all parts of their undergraduate programme shall be completed before the date of admission of the respective Admitting Institute, and (b) proof of having passed the qualifying degree with required eligibility, as specified by the Admitting Institute should be submitted within the timeline provided by respective admitting institute.
- In all matters concerning JAM 2024, the decision of the Organizing Institute, JAM 2024 will be final and binding on all the applicants.
Important Dates
JAM 2024 Schedule | Date (Day)* |
JAM Online Application Processing System (JOAPS) Website Opens | September 05, 2023 (Tuesday) |
Last Date for Online Registration/Application Submission | October 13, 2023 (Friday) |
Availability of JAM Admit Cards on the Online Application Portal (for Download and Printing) | January 08, 2024 (Monday) |
Date of Examination | February 11, 2024 (Sunday) |
Announcement of the Results | March 22, 2024 (Friday) |
Availability of Scorecards for download | April 02, 2024 (Tuesday) |
Portal for Admission Opens | April 10, 2024 (Wednesday) |
Note: Applicants are requested to periodically check the website for the status of the application or/and information. They should also check the messages sent to their registered email id and mobile number.
Eligibility Requirements (ERs) for Admission
Candidates who qualify in JAM 2024 must fulfill the following Eligibility Requirements (ERs) for admissions to IITs.
- Candidates should have passed an undergraduate degree or should be currently studying in their final year of undergraduate programme. Proof of having passed the qualifying degree with required eligibility, as specified by the Admitting Institute.
- Candidates promoted without a marksheet should produce a certificate stating the subjects studied in that semester/year duly signed by the Head of the Institute.
- Foreign nationals with Indian degree are eligible to apply, subject to policy of the Admitting Institute.
At the time of admission, all admitted candidates will have to submit a Physical Fitness certificate from a registered medical practitioner in the prescribed form. The admitted candidates may also have to undergo a Physical Fitness test by a medical board constituted by the Admitting Institute. Admission is liable to be cancelled if a candidate is found physically unfit to pursue their chosen course of study.NOTE:
- It is responsibility of the candidates to prove that they satisfy the Minimum Educational Qualifications (MEQs) and Eligibility Requirements (ERs) for admission.
- The Admitting Institute has the right to cancel, at any stage, the admission of candidates who are found to have been admitted to a Programme to which they are not entitled, being unqualified or ineligible in accordance with the rules and regulations in effect.
Application Procedure
Candidates can apply for JAM 2024 only through JAM Online Application Processing System (JOAPS) available through “Candidate Portal” button on the website from September 5, 2023 to October 13, 2023. Candidates have to first register on JOAPS website, by providing their name, a valid e-mail address, an active mobile number and setting a password. Upon successful registration, candidate’s Enrolment ID and OTP will be sent to the e-mail address and mobile number provided by the candidate. The candidate needs to use this Enrolment ID or e-mail address along with the password for submitting the application. Candidates are advised to keep the Enrolment ID and the password safe and confidential.
JOAPS portal provides an online interface to the candidate for interacting with the JAM 2024 Administration. With this interface, a candidate can:
- Apply for the examination online.
- Upload photograph, signature, and other documents like certificate (for OBC-NCL / EWS / SC / ST / PwD)
- Pay the application fee through any of the electronic payment modes.
- Check the status of the application form such as Received, Under scrutiny, Accepted, Defect status, Status after rectification, Rejected with valid reasons, and Admit card ready for download.
Application Fees
The details of the application fee are given below. The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
Gender / Category | Fees Amount** | |
One Test Paper | Two Test Papers | |
Female / SC / ST / PwD* | ₹ 900 | ₹ 1250 |
All others | ₹ 1800 | ₹ 2500 |
**Fee Amount – Fee for Changing Examination Cities /Test Papers /Category /Gender is ₹300 apart from the applicable difference in Application fee. |
*PwD: Person with benchmark Disability
Examination Cities
- IISc Bengaluru: Belagavi/Belgaum [KA], Bengaluru [KA], Bidar [KA], Gulbarga/Kalaburagi [KA], Hassan [KA], Hubbali [KA], Hyderabad [TS], Kannur [KL], Kozhikode [KL], Mangaluru [KA], Mysuru (Mysore) [KA], Palakkad [KL], Port Blair [AN], Shimoga [KA], Thrissur [KL], Vatakara [KL]
- IIT Bombay: Ahmedabad [GJ], Ahmednagar [MH], Akola [MH], Amravati [MH], Aurangabad [MH], Goa [GA], Jalgaon [MH], Kolhapur [MH], Mumbai-Navi Mumbai-Thane [MH], Nagpur [MH], Nanded [MH], Nashik [MH], Pune [MH], Rajkot [GJ], Sangli [MH], Satara [MH], Solapur [MH], Surat [GJ], Vadodara [GJ]
- IIT Delhi: Faridabad [HR], Greater NOIDA [OR], Gurugram [HR], Hisar [HR], Indore [MP], Jaipur [RJ], Jammu [JK], Jodhpur [RJ], Mathura [UP], New Delhi [DL], Srinagar [JK]
- IIT Guwahati: Agartala [TR], Asansol-Durgapur [WB], Dhanbad [JH], Dibrugarh [AS], Dimapur-Kohima [NL], Guwahati [AS], Imphal [MN], Jorhat [AS], Kalyani [WB], Patna [BR], Shillong [ML], Siliguri [WB]
- IIT Kanpur: Agra [UP], Aligarh [UP], Bareilly [UP], Bhopal [MP], Gorakhpur [UP], Jabalpur [MP], Kanpur [UP], Lucknow [UP], Prayagraj (Allahabad) [GJ], Varanasi [UP]
- IIT Kharagpur: Bhubaneswar [OR], Bilaspur [CH], Brahmapur (Odisha) [OR], Kolaghat [WB], Kolkata [WB], Kharagpur-Midnapore [WB], Raipur [CH], Ranchi [JH], Vijayawada [AP], Visakhapatnam [AP]
- IIT Madras: Alappuzha [KL], Chennai [TN], Coimbatore [TN], Ernakulam [KL], Guntur [AP], Karimnagar [TS], Khammam [TS], Kollam [KL], Kottayam [KL], Madurai [TN], Ongole [AP], Puducherry [PY], Salem [TN], Thiruvananthapuram [KL], Tiruchirapalli [TN], Tirunelveli [TN], Tirupati [AP], Warangal [TS],
- IIT Roorkee: Ambala [HR], Dehradun [UK], Ghaziabad [UP], Haldwani [UK], Jalandhar [PB], Kangra [HP], Kurukshetra [HR], Meerut [UP], Mohali-Chandigarh [PB], Moradabad [UP], NOIDA [UP], Patiala [PB], Roorkee [UK], Shimla-Solan [HP],
- Choice of Examination Cities: JAM 2024 Examination will be conducted in eight zones. The names of these eight zones with the list of zone-wise Examination Cities given above. Candidates must specify their first, second and third choice of cities at the time of applying for JAM 2024. When the choice of first city is made, then the zone gets determined and the candidates will be able to choose the second and third choice city only from the same zone.Note: JAM 2024 Committee may add or drop an examination city or town due to operational constraints – a notification will be made on the JAM 2024 website
Test Schedule
The JAM 2024 Online Examination will be held on February 11, 2024 (Sunday) in two sessions as a Computer Based Test (CBT).
Examination Date | Session | Test Papers and Codes |
February 11, 2024 (Sunday) | Forenoon (FN) | Chemistry (CY) Geology (GG) Mathematics (MA) |
Afternoon (AN) | Biotechnology (BT) Economics (EN) Mathematical Statistics (MS) Physics (PH) |
Pattern of Test Papers
The JAM 2024 Examination for all the seven Test Papers will be Computer Based Test (CBT) where the candidates will be shown the questions in a random sequence on a computer screen. For all the seven Test Papers, the duration of the examination will be of 3 hours*. The medium for all the Test Papers will be only in English. There will be a total of 60 questions carrying a total of 100 marks. The entire paper will be divided into three sections A, B and C. All sections are compulsory. Questions in each section will be of different types as given below:
- Section – A: contains a total of 30 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) involving 10 questions of one mark each and 20 questions of two marks each. Each MCQ has four choices out of which only one choice is the correct answer. Candidates can mark the answer by clicking the choice.
- Section – B: contains a total of 10 Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) carrying two marks each. Each MSQ is similar to MCQ but with the difference that MSQ may have one or more than one correct choice(s) out of the four given choices. The candidate gets full credit only if he/she selects all the correct answer(s) and no wrong answers. Candidates can mark the answer(s) by clicking the choice(s).
- Section – C: contains a total of 20 Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions involving 10 questions of one mark each and 10 questions of two marks each. For these NAT questions, the answer is a signed real number, which needs to be entered using the virtual numeric keypad on the monitor. No choices will be shown for NAT questions.
- In all sections, questions not attempted will result in zero mark. In Section-A (MCQ), wrong answer will result in negative marks. For each wrong answer to 1-mark questions, 1/3 mark will be deducted and similarly for each wrong answer to 2-mark questions, 2/3 mark will be deducted. In Section-B (MSQ), there are no negative and no partial marking provisions. There is no negative marking in Section-C (NAT) as well.
*Compensatory time would be given to PwD candidates as per the norms of Government of India.Click here
- There is a provision for using online virtual calculator. The candidates, therefore, should not bring any calculator with them.
- Mobile phones and any other electronic devices are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Charts, graph sheets, and tables are also NOT allowed inside the examination hall.
- A scribble pad will be provided for rough work. The candidate has to write his/her name and registration number before using it. The candidate can possess only one scribble pad at any point of time. A second scribble pad is given only upon returning the first one. The scribble pad has to be returned at the end of the examination.
- The candidates are required to select the answer for MCQ and MSQ type questions using the mouse.
- The answer for NAT questions can be entered using a mouse on a virtual numeric keypad (the keyboard of the computer will be disabled).
- The examination will end automatically after the stipulated time. The candidates have to be careful and submit their answers before the end of the examination.
- Candidates are required to adhere to the code of conduct specified in Annexure III (Code of Conduct)
Use of unfair means by a candidate in JAM 2024, whether detected at the time of examination, or at any other stage, will lead to the cancellation of his/her candidature as well as disqualification of the candidate from appearing in JAM in future.
Offical Website