UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Stage I (Objective-Type)
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Paper I: General Studies
The common topic in the General Studies papers is- Current Affairs, Indian & World Geography, Polity, History of India, etc. Here is the detailed syllabus for General Studies:
- Current Events of National and International Importance.
- History of India and Indian National Movement.
- Indian and World Geography- Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World.
- Indian Polity and Governance- Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, etc.
- Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
- General Issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization
- General Science
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Paper II – Geology/Hydrogeology
The common topics in Geology/Hydrogeology papers are – Mineralogy, Hydrogeology, Stratigraphy, and Igneous Petrology. Here is the detailed syllabus for Geology/Hydrogeology:
Topic | Sub-Topic |
Physical Geology | Origin of AtmosphereThe Principle of UniformitarianismEarthquakes and Volcanoes,OrogenyWavesGlaciersWeathering Processes and ProductsErosional and Depositional Layers |
Mineralogy | Elements of SymmetryNotationsPhysical and Chemical Properties of Common RocksIsomorphismPolymorphismSolid SolutionChemical Classification of Minerals |
Structural Geology | StressStrainClassification of Folds and FaultsStudy of ToposheetsV-rulesDuctile and Brittle Shear in Rocks |
Igneous Petrology | Magma Types and Their EvolutionIUGS Classification of Igneous RocksForms, Structures, and Textures of Igneous RocksApplications of Binary and Ternary Phase Diagrams in PetrogenesisMagmatic Differentiation and AssimilationPetrogenesis of Gra |
Metamorphic Petrology | Limits, Types and Controls of MetamorphismMetamorphic Structures- Slate, Schist, and GneissMetamorphic Textures- Pre, Syn and Post Tectonic PorphyroblastsConcept of the Metamorphic Zone, Isograd, and FaciesGeothermal Gradients |
Sedimentary | Origin of SedimentsSedimentary Textures, Grain-Size ScalePrimary Sedimentary StructuresClassification of Sandstone and Carbonate RocksSiliciclastic Depositional Environments and Sedimentary Facies |
Paleontology | Fossils and Processes of FossilizationConcept of Species and Binomial NomenclatureMorphology and Classification of Invertebrates Evolution in Equidae and HominidaeMicrofossils-Foraminifera, OstracodaGondwana Flora |
Stratigraphy | Law of Superposition;Stratigraphic Nomenclature- Lithostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy and Chronostratigraphy;Archaean Cratonic Nuclei of Peninsular India,Stratigraphy of IndiaSpiti, Kashmir, Damodar Valley, Kutch, Trichinopoly. |
Economic Geology | Properties of Mineral Deposits- Form, Mineral Assemblage, Texture, Rock-Ore Association, and RelationshipMagmatic, Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Hydrothermal, Supergene and Weathering Related Processes of Ore FormationProcesses of Formation of Coal |
Hydrogeology | Groundwater Occurrence and Aquifer Characteristics,Porosity, Permeability, Hydraulic Conductivity, Transmissivity;Darcy’s Law in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Media;Bernoulli Equation, Reynold’s Number;Composition of Groundwater;Application of H and O Isotopes in Groundwater Studies;Artificial Recharge of Groundwater |
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Paper II: Geophysics
The common topics in Geophysics papers are – Mineralogy, Hydrogeology, Stratigraphy, and Igneous Petrology. Here is the important topic of the syllabus for Geophysics:
- Solid Earth Geophysics
- Mathematical Methods in Geophysics
- Electromagnetism
- Geophysical Prospecting
- Remote Sensing and Thermodynamics
- Nuclear Physics and Radiometry
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Paper II: Chemistry
The common topics in Chemistry papers are – Mineralogy, Hydrogeology, Stratigraphy, and Igneous Petrology. Here is the detailed syllabus for Chemistry:
- Chemical Periodicity
- Chemical Bonding and Structure
- Acids and Bases
- Theoretical Basis of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis
- Kinetic Theory and the Gaseous State
- Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium
- Solutions of Non-Electrolytes
- Electrochemistry
- Basic Organic Chemistry
- Stereochemistry
- Types of Organic Reactions
- Molecular Rearrangements
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus for Stage II (Descriptive Type)
UPSC Geo-Scientist for Geology
There are three papers in the Geology Stream. There will be five sections in each paper. The total marks of the three papers will be 600 marks. The syllabus for each paper is listed below:
Syllabus for Geology Paper – I
The following topics are there in the syllabus of UPSC Geo Scientist Paper I:
- Section A. Physical geology and remote sensing
- Section B. Structural geology
- Section C. Sedimentology
- Section D. Paleontology
- Section E. Stratigraphy
Syllabus for Geology Paper – II
The following topics are there in the syllabus of UPSC Geo Scientist Paper – II:
- Section A. Mineralogy
- Section B. Geochemistry and isotope geology
- Section C. Igneous petrology
- Section D. Metamorphic petrology
- Section E. Geodynamics
Syllabus for Geology Paper – III
The following topics are there in the syllabus of UPSC Geo Scientist Paper – III:
- Section A. Economic geology
- Section B. Indian mineral deposits and mineral economics
- Section C. Mineral exploration
- Section D. Fuel geology and Engineering geology
- Section E. Environmental geology and Natural hazards
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus Geophysics
The Paper is divided into three parts. The following topics are there in the syllabus of UPSC Geophysics:
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- I – Part A
- Solid Earth Geophysics
- Earthquake Seismology
- Mathematical methods in Geophysics
- Geophysical Inversion
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- I – Part B
- Mathematical Methods of Physics
- Electrodynamics
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Introductory Atmospheric and Space Physics
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- II – Part A
- Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Methods
- Electrical and Electromagnetic methods
- Seismic Prospecting
- Borehole Geophysics
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- II – Part B
- Classical Mechanics
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Physics and Characterization of materials
- Nuclear and Particle Physics
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- III – Part A
- Radiometric and Airborne Geophysics
- Marine Geophysics
- Geophysical Signal Processing
- Remote Sensing and Geohydrology
Syllabus for Geophysics: Paper- III – Part B
- Solid State Physics and Basic Electronics
- Laser systems
- Digital electronics, Radar systems, Satellite communications
- Quantum Mechanics
UPSC Geo-Scientist Syllabus Chemistry
The Paper is divided into three parts- Paper-I (Inorganic Chemistry), Paper –II (Physical Chemistry) and Paper III (Analytical and Organic). The following topics are there in the syllabus of UPSC Chemistry:
Syllabus for Chemistry: Paper- I (Inorganic Chemistry)
- Inorganic Solids
- Chemistry of Coordination Compounds
- Isomerism, Reactivity and Stability
- Structure and Bonding
- Acid-Base Titrations
- Gravimetric Analysis
- Redox Titrations
- Complexometric titrations
Syllabus for Chemistry: Paper- II (Physical Chemistry)
- Kinetic Theory and the Gaseous State
- Solids
- Chemical Thermodynamics and Chemical Equilibrium
- Chemical Kinetics and Catalysis
- Electrochemistry
- Quantum Chemistry
- Basic Principles and Applications of Spectroscopy
- Rotational Spectroscopy of Diatomic Molecules
Syllabus for Chemistry: Paper- III – Part A (Analytical and Organic)
- Errors in Quantitative Analysis
- Separation Methods
- Chromatographic Analysis
- Solvent extraction
- Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis
- UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Syllabus for Chemistry: Paper- III – Part B
- Unstable, Uncharged Intermediates
- Addition to C-C Multiple Bonds
- Addition to Carbon-Heteroatom Multiple Bonds
- Reactions in the Carbonyl Group
- Oxidation and Reduction
- Electrocyclic Reactions
UPSC Geo-Scientist Stage III Exam Pattern 2023
UPSC Geo-Scientist Personality Test/Interview is the final stage of the selection process. The total mark of Stage III is 200 marks. There is no marks distribution pattern available for the Personality Test/Interview. Candidates will be allotted to the Geophysicist, Chemist, and Geologist posts. After the announcement of the post, the candidates will have to continue to those particular allotted posts. They will not be allowed to change their posts.