NEET (UG) -2023

About NEET (UG)
NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY CUM ENTRANCE TEST [ NEET (UG) – 2023] will be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA) on Sunday, 07 May 2023 (Sunday) in Pen and Paper mode in 13 languages, as a common and uniform National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test [(NEET (UG)] for admission to undergraduate medical education in all medical institutions. Similarly, as per Section 14 of the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020, there shall be a uniform NEET (UG) for admission to undergraduate courses in each of the disciplines i.e. BAMS, BUMS, and BSMS courses of the Indian System of Medicine in all Medical Institutions governed under this Act. NEET (UG) shall also be applicable to admission to BHMS course as per National Commission for Homeopathy Act, 2020. The languages in which the NEET (UG) 2023 would be conducted are: English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu. MNS (Military Nursing Service) aspirants seeking admission to BSc Nursing Course being conducted at Armed Forces Medical Service Hospitals for the year 2023 are required to qualify NEET. The NEET score will be used for shortlisting for selection to the four-year BSc Nursing course.
NEET (UG) Exam Pattern
The Test pattern of NEET (UG) – 2023 comprises four Subjects. Each subject will consist of
two sections. Section A will consist of 35 Questions and Section B will have 15 Questions,
out of these 15 Questions, candidates can choose to attempt any 10 Questions. So, the total
number of questions and utilization of time will remain the same.
The pattern for the NEET (UG) – 2023 Examination for admission in the Session 2023-24 is as follow:
S. No | Subject(s) | Section(s) | Number Of Questions | Marks (Each Question carries 04 (Four) Marks) |
1 | PHYSICS | SECTION A SECTION B | 35 15 | 140 40 |
2 | CHEMISTRY | SECTION A SECTION B | 35 15 | 140 40 |
3 | BOTANY | SECTION A SECTION B | 35 15 | 140 40 |
4 | ZOOLOGY | SECTION A SECTION B | 35 15 | 140 40 |
one (-1) mark. Unattempted/Unanswered Questions will be given no marks.
Important Points to Note:
(a) For Section A (MCQs): To answer a question, the candidates need to choose one option
corresponding to the correct answer or the most appropriate answer. However, if any anomaly
or discrepancy is found after the process of challenges of the key verification, it shall be
addressed in the following manner:
(i) Correct answer or the most appropriate answer: Four marks (+4)
(ii) Any incorrect option marked will be given minus one mark (-1).
(iii) Unanswered: No mark (0).
(iv) If more than one option is found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to
only those who have marked any of the correct options.
(v) If all options are found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to all those
who have attempted the question.
(vi) If none of the options is found correct or a Question is found to be wrong or a
Question is dropped then all candidates who have appeared will be given four marks
(+4) irrespective of the fact whether the question has been attempted or not attempted
by the candidate.
(b) For Section B (MCQs): Candidates need to attempt any 10 Questions out of 15 Questions
given. In the event of a candidate has attempted more than 10 questions, only the first 10
attempted questions will be considered for evaluation. There will also be negative marking
for Section B. However, if any anomaly or discrepancy is found after the process of challenges
of the key verification, it shall be addressed in the following manner:
i. Correct Answer: Four marks (+4)
ii. Incorrect Answer: Minus one mark (-1)
iii. Unanswered: No mark (0).
iv. If more than one option is found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to
only those who have marked any of the correct options.
v. If all options are found to be correct then Four marks (+4) will be awarded to all those
who have attempted the question.
vi. If a question is found to be incorrect or the Question is dropped then Four marks
(+4) will be awarded to all those who have attempted the question. The reason could
be due to human error or technical error.
vii. Candidates are advised to do the calculations with the constants given (if any) in the
Mode of Examination
NEET (UG) – 2023 is a Pen & Paper-based Test, to be answered on the specially designed
machine gradable OMR sheet using Ball Point Pen is provided at the Centre. Moreover
tampering with the OMR at any stage will lead to debarring of the candidature for 03 years.
Duration of Test
The duration of the test would be three (03) hours and 20 minutes. Compensatory time of one
hour five minutes for examination of three hours twenty minutes (03:20 hrs) duration for PwBD
Candidate [having a physical limitation to write] will be given, whether such candidate uses the
facility of Scribe or not.
Medium of the Question Papers
Drawing from the National Education Policy (NEP), the NEET (UG) -2023 is being conducted in
English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil,
Telugu, and Urdu.
Candidates can opt for a Question Paper in any one of the following 12 languages:
English | Hindi | Assamese | Bengali | Gujarati | Malayalam |
Marathi | Odia | Tamil | Telugu | Urdu | Punjabi |
Application Form. The option once chosen cannot be changed.
Candidates opting for English/Hindi/Regional Languages would be provided Test
Booklet in English + Hindi + selected Regional Language.
For Example: If a candidate opted Tamil (out of 13 languages), the Test Booklet would
be provided in English + Hindi + Tamil.
In case of any ambiguity in the translation of a question in the test, its English version
shall be treated as final and the decision of NTA shall be final in this regard.
Candidates qualifying for NEET (UG) – 2023 would be eligible for All India Quota and
other quotas under the State Governments/Institutes, irrespective of the medium of the
examination, subject to other eligibility criteria.
Option of Regional languages will be available as per the following table only: –

The option of language for Question Paper should be exercised while filling up the Application Form online
and it cannot be changed at a later stage. Please note that for the correctness of the questions in all the question
papers, the English version will be taken as final.
Cities for NEET (UG) – 2023
Cities for Exam Centres for NEET (UG) – 2023 Examination
A list of Cities along with city codes where the NEET (UG) – 2023 will be conducted is
given in Appendix-V.
While filling up the Online Application Form, candidates should select two Convenient
Cities from Appendix-V as their Choice of Cities for the exam Centre in order of their
Choice of Centre Cities will be limited to the State of Permanent Address or State of
Present Address only.
All candidates are required to upload address proof (Present and permanent
address) during the online Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2023. The address
proof may include AADHAAR Card, Domicile Certificate, Passport, Voter ID card,
etc. Both documents (if applicable) are to be merged and uploaded in a single pdf
file. If the Present and Permanent addresses are same, then the same document will
For convenience, the candidates may select their own city or neighbouring cities in their
State of Residence only and not for far away cities in other States. NTA will not be
responsible for any inconvenience due to the incorrect selection of cities by the
In case, the number of candidates opting for a city is less than a certain minimum, the
NTA reserves the right to merge one, two, or more cities.
In case, the number of candidates opting for a city as centre with a regional language is
less than a certain minimum, candidates may be allotted Centre in another city
irrespective of the city opted by the candidates for appearing in the examination.
Though every effort will be made to allot a Centre in one of the cities selected by the
candidate, the NTA reserves the right to allot a centre in a city other than the
candidate’s choice.
Allotment of Centres will be done mostly in one of the preferred cities of the candidates
and there will be no human intervention.
Note: All effort will be made by NTA to consider the comfort and convenience of candidates, including
PwBD Candidates while allotting Centres.
Eligibility and Qualifications for MBBS and BDS Course
Eligibility to appear in NEET (UG) – 2023
Eligibility for appearing in NEET (UG), as per related Regulations of NMC and DCI are as follows:-
He/she has completed 17 years of age at the time of admission or will complete that age on
or before 31 December of the year of his/her admission to the first year of the Undergraduate
Medical Course.
Accordingly, the lower age limit shall be as under:

Upper age limit: As per Letter No. U-11022/2/2022-UGMEB, dated 09 March 2022
received from National Medical Commission (NMC), Under Graduate Medical
Education Board (UGMEB) regarding the upper age limit, there is no upper age limit.
Indian Citizens/ Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) intending to pursue Undergraduate Medical
Courses in a foreign Medical/ Dental Institute also need to qualify for NEET (UG).
Qualifications and Qualifying Examination Codes
To be eligible for NEET (UG) – 2023, candidates need to refer to the following table for qualifying
examination criteria.
CODE: 01 | A candidate who is appearing in the qualifying examination, i.e., class 12 in 2023, whose result is awaited, may apply and appear in the test but he/she shall not be eligible for admission to the Undergraduate Medical Coursesif he/she does not pass the qualifying examination with the required pass percentage at the time of first round of Counselling. Candidates who have appeared or are appearing at the qualifying Examination with English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as the main subject and expect to pass the Examination with the required percentage of marks are also eligible to apply and appear in the Competitive Entrance Examination. However, their candidature will be considered only if they provide documentary evidence of having passed the qualifying Examination with the required subjects and percentage of marks. |
CODE: 02 | The Higher/Senior Secondary Examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to class 12 Higher/Senior Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years of study, the last two years of such study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Bio-technology (which shall include practical tests in these subjects) and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training after the introduction of the 10+2+3 educational structure as recommended by the National Committee on Education. Candidates who have passed Class 12 from Open School or as private candidates shall not be eligible to appear for the ‘National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test’. Furthermore, a study of Biology/Biotechnology as an Additional Subject at Class 12 level also shall not be permissible.* *The candidates who have passed Class 12 level with Biology as an additional subject will also be eligible for MBBS Entrance Examination (as per Hon’ble High Court Order |
No. 2341/-W/DHC/WRIT/D-1/2019 dated 24/09/2019 in the Writ Petition (C) No. 6773/2019. If the institute has to consider an examination of an Indian University or of a foreign/university to be equivalent to the Class 12 under intermediate science examination, the candidates shall have to produce a certificate from the concerned Indian University/Association of Indian Universities to the effect that the examination passed by him/her is considered to be equivalent to the class 12 under intermediate science examination. *(NOTE: The proviso in italics has been a subject matter of challenge before the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi, Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad, Lucknow Bench, and Hon’ble High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur. The provisions of the regulations disqualifying recognized Open School Board candidates and the candidates who have studied Biology/Biotechnology as an Additional Subject has been struck down. The Medical Council of India has preferred Special Leave Petitions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and Appeals in the Hon’ble High Courts. Therefore, the candidature of candidates in the NEET (UG) – 2023 who have passed the qualifying examinations i.e. Class 12 from National Institute of Open Schooling or State Open Schools or as private candidates from recognized State Boards; or with Biology/Biotechnology as an additional subject shall be allowed but subject to the outcome of Special Leave Petitions/Appeals filed by the Medical Council of India) |
CODE: 03 | The Intermediate/Pre-degree Examination in Science of an Indian University/Board or other recognized examining body with Physics, Chemistry, Biology /Biotechnology (which shall include practical test in these subjects) and also English as a compulsory subject. |
CODE: 04 | The Pre-professional/Pre-medical Examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English after passing either the Higher Secondary Examination or the Pre-University or an equivalent examination. The Preprofessional/Pre-medical examination shall include practical tests in these subjects and also English as a compulsory subject. |
CODE: 05 | The first year of the three years’ degree course of a recognized University with Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology including practical tests in these subjects provided the examination is a University Examination and the candidate has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/ Biotechnology with English at a level not less than a core course |
CODE: 06 | B.Sc. Examination of an Indian University provided that he/she has passed the B.Sc. Examination with not less than two of the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany, Zoology)/Biotechnology and further that he/ she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English. |
CODE: 07 | Any other examination which in scope and standard (Last 02 years of 10+2 Study comprising of Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology; which shall include practical test in these subjects) is found to be equivalent to the Intermediate Science Examination of an Indian University/Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology including practical tests in each of these subjects and English. |
Note: Due to the COVID outbreak, no examinations were conducted for 2021 batch of Class 10 (Tamil Nadu State Board). Accordingly no marks were given in the marksheet and ‘pass’ is printed in all subjects with a disclaimer – “As per G.O. (Ms) No. 48, School Education (G.E.) department dated: 25.02.2021, all candidates who studied SSLC in the academic year 2020-21 are declared passed.” While filling up of the online Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2023, when the candidate selects ‘Passing year’ as 2021 with ‘School Board’ as Tamil Nadu State Board of School Examination (Sec.), the Result Mode field will be disabled and the associated fields for Marks/CGPA will be invisible for Tamil Nadu State Board candidates who have passed their Class 10 in year 2021. |
Provided also that to be eligible for NEET (UG) – 2023, the candidate must have passed
in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English individually and must have
obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology/Biotechnology at the qualifying examination as mentioned in the Regulations of NMC and
DCI. In addition, they must have got a rank in the merit list of NEET (UG) – 2023 for
admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses.
- In respect of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, or Other
Backward Classes (NCL), the minimum marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry, and
Biology/Biotechnology are taken together in the qualifying examination shall be 40%
marks instead of 50% marks for Unreserved and General-EWS Candidates. In respect of
PwBD candidates as per NMC and DCI Regulations, the minimum marks in the qualifying
examination in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (or Botany & Zoology)/Biotechnology
taken together shall be 40% instead of 50%. - Provided further that the students who have received education abroad and wish to seek
admission into medical colleges in India must have passed in Physics, Chemistry,
Biology/Biotechnology, and English with 50% marks in Class 12, and their equivalency
determined by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) as per regulations of the
Medical Council of India and the concerned University. - The criteria for minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for admission to MBBS courses
in AIIMS and JIPMER shall be as per the rules applicable to AIIMS and JIPMER.
Candidates should consult the websites of AIIMS/JIPMER. - Note: In all other cases, the States/Institutes that have cut-offs for eligibility other than
those mentioned above, may follow their own criteria.
Note: The Pre-medical course may be conducted either at a Medical College or at a Science College. Marks obtained in Mathematics are not to be considered for eligibility for admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses. The candidates who have studied from the Foreign/International Board should ensure that the qualifying examination passed by them is, in scope and standard, as explained in CODE: 07. Any interpretation regarding the requirement of Biology / Biological Sciences as one of the subjects of the Qualifying Examination for NEET (UG) will be subjected to Regulation No. 4 (1) of the Graduate Medical Education Regulations (1997) as amended up to 2018 and the Judgement dated 16th February 2021 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 390 of 2021 in the matter of “Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences Vs. Srikeerti Reddi Pingle & Ors.” (Para 20 & 21). |
Counselling and Reservation for Admission to
MBBS and BDS Course
Admission Procedure
Admissions to all seats of Undergraduate Medical / Dental Courses will be done
through NEET (UG) – 2023. The following are the seats available under different
- All India Quota Seats
- State Government Quota Seats
- Central Institutions/Universities/Deemed Universities
- State/Management/NRI Quota Seats in Private Medical / Dental Colleges or any
Private University - Central Pool Quota Seats
- All seats including NRI Quota as well as Management Quota, are in private
unaided/aided minority / non-minority medical colleges. - AIIMS Institutes across India/JIPMER.
- The Counselling for successful candidates for Seats under 15% All India Quota and
100% including 85% State quota seats of Central Institutions (ABVIMS & RML
Hospital/VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital/ESIC)/ Central Universities (including DU/
BHU /AMU)/ AIIMS/ JIPMER and Deemed Universities, will be conducted by the
MCC/DGHS for Undergraduate Medical / Dental Courses. MCC only does the
registration for AFMC and forwards the data of registered Candidates to AFMC
Authorities for the admission process. DU/BHU and other Universities may use the
score for any other relevant courses being offered by them.
The counselling for admission to the seats under the control of State Governments/ UT
Administrations / State Universities/ Institutions shall be conducted by the designated
authorities of the State Governments as per the notifications issued separately by the
authorities concerned.
The Result of NEET (UG) – 2023 may be utilized by other Entities of Central and State
Governments, in accordance with their respective eligibility criteria / other norms
/applicable regulations/guidelines/rules. The result data may also be utilized for B.Sc. (H)
Nursing courses in accordance with their respective eligibility criteria / other norms
/applicable regulations/guidelines/ rules. The NEET (UG) – 2023 data will also be used for
admissions to BVSc & AH courses under the 15% quota of VCI in recognized Veterinary
Colleges. However, the Council has to approach the MCC of DGHS, MoHFW in order to
obtain the said data of results.
Note: MNS (Military Nursing Services) aspirants seeking admission to BSc Nursing Course being conducted at Armed Forces Medical Service Hospitals for the year 2023 are required to qualify NEET and the NEET score will be used for shortlisting for selection to the four year BSc Nursing course. |
eligible candidates shall be verified as per norms specified by the respective authorities
and/or Medical / Dental Colleges. NTA does not have any responsibility towards the correctness/genuinity of the uploaded information/documents during the application
AACCC (Ayush Admissions Central Counselling Committee), M/o Ayush shall
be the counselling authority for AIQ with respect to BAMS, BUMS and BSMS
courses under NCISM and BHMS under NCH.
An All India Merit List of the qualified candidates shall be prepared based on All India Rank
in the Merit List of the NEET (UG) – 2023 and candidates shall be admitted to
Undergraduate Medical Courses from the said list only, with existing reservation policy.
NTA will only provide All India Rank to candidates while Admitting Authorities will invite
applications for Counselling and a merit list shall be drawn based on All India Rank by the
Admitting Authorities. Admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses within the respective
categories shall be based solely on All India Rank as per merit list of NEET (UG) – 2023.
(a) Admission in State Medical Colleges / Universities / Institutions / private
medical colleges for seats other than 15% All India Quota:
i. Admission under State Quota Seats shall be subject to reservation policy and
eligibility criteria prevailing in the State/Union Territory as notified by the
respective State/Union Territory from time to time.
ii. The reservation of the seats in medical colleges for respective categories
shall be as per applicable laws prevailing in the State/Union Territory
iii. Admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses in Private Medical
Colleges shall be subject to policies of the Government of India/State/Union
(b) Admission to AIIMS / JIPMER / Central Universities (DU/BHU/AMU) /
AFMC / GGSIPU / ESIC Medical Colleges / Deemed Universities
i. Counselling for admission to MBBS / BDS, etc. Courses in AIIMS / JIPMER
/ Central Universities [(including Medical Colleges under DU and Guru
Govind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU), BHU Medical College,
AMU Medical College], ESIC Medical Colleges, and Deemed Universities
will be conducted by DGHS, and reservation policy will be as per
rules/regulations applicable to such Universities / Institutions. Candidates
aspiring for admission to MBBS / BDS Courses in such Universities/
Institutions based upon their All India Rank (AIR) in NEET (UG) – 2023,
shall have to register on the MCC website after the declaration of NEET
(UG) – 2023 Result. The Candidate will have to register on the MCC
Website. ( The list of registered candidates will be
forwarded to AFMC authorities for conducting counselling at their end.
ii. Admission to AFMC, Pune shall be subject to the norms prescribed by the
Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services, Ministry of Defence,
Government of India. Candidates who apply for NEET (UG) – 2023 and/or
for seeking admission in AFMC also need to apply to AFMC on The shortlisted candidates will be required to appear for
a second-stage Screening Test conducted by AFMC. Candidates are advised
to contact AFMC for further and exact details. The Counselling will be
conducted by DGHS.
iii. Admission to Medical Colleges under Central Universities (DU / BHU
/AMU) /ESIC Medical Colleges /AFMC, shall be as per the provisions of the
Statutory Regulations of NMC/ DCI, Deemed Universities relevant
judgments of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, and the procedure
prescribed by the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) under the
Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS).
iv. Further, the common counselling for admission to MBBS /BDS Courses in
the concerned INIs shall be conducted by the DGHS as per the time schedule
specified in the relevant Graduate Medical Education Regulation (1997) as
amended from time to time.
(c) For all institutions, wherein Counselling is conducted by MCC under the DGHS, the
candidates may refer to the Counselling scheme uploaded on the MCC website, so as
to determine their eligibility to appear in Counselling for subsequent rounds, including
in respect of ineligibility on account of allotment of seats in the previous rounds of
Counselling in terms of Regulation 5A(4) of the Regulations on Graduate Medical
Education, 1997 which provides for preventing seat blocking in common Counselling
for admission to MBBS course.
(d) For all institutions, wherein Counselling is conducted by the State/Union Govt. or its
designated authority, the candidates may refer to the Counselling Notifications issued
by the State/Union Govt. or its designated authority, so as to determine their eligibility
to appear in Counselling for subsequent rounds, including in respect of ineligibility on
account of allotment of seats in the previous rounds of Counselling in terms of
Regulation 5A(4) of the Regulations on Graduate Medical Education, 1997 which
provides for preventing seat blocking in common Counselling for admission to MBBS.
Reservation Policy for Admission to MBBS and BDS Course
Indian nationals belonging to certain categories are admitted under the seats reserved for them
in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Government of India. The categories and the
extent of reservation are as follows:
General category belonging to Economically Weaker Section (GEN- EWS) – 10% of
seats in every course. The benefit of reservation will be given only to those General
category candidates who satisfy the conditions given in the OM No. 20013/01/2018-BCII dated 17 January 2019, issued by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
The criteria for GEN-EWS will be as per the prevailing norms and/or notifications of
the Government of India.
Other Backward Classes belonging to the Non-Creamy Layer (OBC- NCL) – 27% of
seats in every course.
i. OBC-NCL should be listed in the current updated central list of OBC-NCL
ii. OBC-NCL present in the State list but not covered in the central list of OBC-
NCL (as per the list in are NOT eligible to claim
the reservation.
iii. The criteria for OBC-NCL will be as per the notification of the
Government of India.
iv. Candidates belonging to the creamy layer of OBC are NOT entitled to
reservation. Such candidates are treated as belonging to the general
(GEN), i.e. unreserved category, and they will be eligible only for the
GEN seats – the seats for which all candidates are eligible.
Scheduled Caste (SC) – 15% of seats in every course.
Scheduled Tribe (ST) – 7.5% of seats in every course.
Persons with Disability (PwBD) – 5% seats in each of GEN, GEN-EWS, OBCNCL, SC, and ST category seats (Horizontal reservation).
- Candidates who want to avail the benefits of PwBD reservation in
admission to MBBS/BDS course, the disability norms as prescribed by
NMC (earlier known as MCI)/DCI norms will be adhered with, and only
those candidates will be eligible for the benefit of reservation
General Instructions and Submission of Application Form/Payment of Fee
General Instructions
Merely appearing and qualifying in NEET (UG) – 2023 does not confer any right to the
candidate for admission to Undergraduate Medical Courses. The selection and admission
to Undergraduate Medical Courses seats in any Medical Institution recognized for offering
Undergraduate Medical Courses is subject to fulfilling the admission criteria, eligibility,
rank in the merit list, medical fitness, and such other criteria as may be prescribed by the
Government of India, respective States, Universities, Institutions and Medical/ Dental/
Ayurveda/ Siddha/ Unani/ Homeopathy Colleges.
Applications of candidates submitting false and fabricated information will be rejected and
such candidates will be further debarred from appearing in examinations conducted by NTA.
Such candidates will also be prosecuted under applicable laws for a criminal offense and
suitably penalized.
Incomplete applications and applications not in accordance with instructions are liable to be
rejected without any further intimation.
The examination fee once deposited will not be refunded. The fee will not be carried forward
to a future examination.
Applications once submitted cannot be withdrawn. Candidates must note that mere deduction
of fee from the bank account is not proof of fee payment. The payment should be supported
by fee payment and generation of the Confirmation Page.
Instructions in the Information Bulletin may change /be updated based on decisions taken by
the NTA and other authorities from time to time. Candidates are advised to regularly check
the website for any further updates or information.
NTA reserves the right to withdraw permission, granted inadvertently if any, to a candidate
who is not eligible to appear in the NEET (UG) – 2023 even though the Admit Card has been
issued by the NTA.
Candidate’s eligibility for NEET (UG) – 2023 is purely provisional and is subject to
fulfillment of eligibility criteria prescribed by the NMC / DCI / NCISM /NCH /Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare/ Ministry of Ayush, as the case may be.
In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the instructions/ terms/ rules/
regulations/ criteria regarding the determination of eligibility/ information contained therein,
the interpretation of the NMC/ DCI/ NCISM/ NCH/ Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare/ Ministry of Ayush, as the case may be, shall be final and binding.
In case of any ambiguity in the interpretation of any of the norms /terms /rules/instructions
regarding registration of candidates, allocation of Exam Centre, issuance of Admit Card, the
conduct of exam and publication of Result and All India Rank (AIR), the interpretation
/determination of NTA shall be final and binding.
The conduct of the NEET (UG) – 2023 Examination would be videographed. The candidates
are required to keep their heads in an upright position and face the camera during the
videography so that their identity can be clearly established. The candidates should agree to
the videography during the examination.