LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: Prelims
LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: Reasoning
- Syllogism
- Inequality
- Coding Decoding
- Blood Relation
- Direction & Distance
- Order & Ranking
- Input-Output
- Alphanumeric Series
- Puzzles
- Seating Arrangement
LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: English
- Reading Comprehension
- Cloze Test
- Antonym/Synonym
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Phrase Replacement
- Idioms & Phrases
- Fillers
- Error Detection
LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: Numerical Ability
- Average
- Age
- Ratio & Proportion
- Percentage
- Profit & Loss
- Speed, Time & Distance
- Time & Work
- Boat & Stream
- Probability
- Permutation & Combination
- Partnership
- Mixture & Allegation
- Mensuration
LIC ADO Syllabus 2023: General Knowledge
- National Current Affairs
- Awards & Honors
- Index & Reports
- Capital & Currency
- Obituaries
- International current affairs
- Budget
- Monetary policy
LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: Mains
LIC ADO Syllabus 2024: Insurance Marketing
Insurance Market Awareness
- Introduction and Life Insurance History, General Insurance History, Types of Insurance, Indian
Insurance Market, Insurance Current Affairs, Insurance Ombudsman, Bancassurance, and Current
insurance schemes - Sector Insurance Companies, ULIP (Unit Linked Insurance Plan Public), Glossary of Insurance Terms,
Private Sector Insurance Companies. - Abbreviations related to Insurance Industry, Employment State Insurance Scheme (ESIS). Other
important topics such as Insurance Awareness, Schemes of Insurance such as PMFBY, PMJJBY, PMSBY
Financial Awareness - Indian Financial Market
- Derivative markets and private investing as well as Primary markets and secondary markets
- Stock markets and Bond markets
- Capital markets and the government
- Insurance Industry, Mutual Funds, Regulatory Agencies and Insurance Industry
- Role of Money markets in the financial system
- Special Statutes of Certain Financial Intermediaries and Foreign exchange study of the interbank
market - Financial Stability and Development Council, Establishment of FSDC, International Financial