INORGANIC SPECTROSCOPY(QUIZ-1) 1 / 5 The EPR spectrum of p-benzosemiquinone radical anion consists of: a quintet with intensity 1:2:3:2:1 a quintet with intensity 1:1:1:1:1 a quartet with intensity 1:3:3:1 a quintet with intensity 1:4: 6:4:1 The correct answer is a quintet with intensity 1:4: 6:4:1, as this matches the EPRspectrum pattern for the p-benzosemiquinone radical anion. 2 / 5 Number of lines observed in the EPR spectra of AIH3 (27AI, 100% I=5/2) 64 16 6 24 the total number of lines is 24. 3 / 5 The number of allowed EPR lines expected for a metal ion with 3 unpaired electrons and a nuclear spin (1) of 7/2 is 8 32 36 24 the number of lines observed in EPR are 24 lines. 4 / 5 In the EPR spectrum of an aqueous solution of VOSO4 at room temperature, the total number of hyperfine splitting signals is 3 7 5 8 1. In VOSO4, vanadium (V) has a nuclear spin I = 7/2, which interacts with the unpaired electron in the complex.2. According to the hyperfine splitting rule, the number of lines is calculated as (21 + 1).3. For I = 7/2, the number of hyperfine splitting signals is (2 × 7/2 + 1) = 8. 5 / 5 In the EPR spectrum of a methyl radical, the number of the lines and intensities, respectively are 1 and 1 3 and 1:2:1 4 and 1:2:2:1 4 and 1:3:3:1 • For the methyl radical (CH3), we have three equivalent hydrogen nuclei, each with I = 1/2.• The number of lines in the EPR spectrum is determined by the formula (2nl + 1):o Here, n = 3 (number of equivalent hydrogen nuclei).• I = 1/2 (nuclear spin of hydrogen).o Therefore, the number of lines = (2*3*1/2) + 1 = 4.• The intensities of these lines follow a binomial distribution, described by the coefficients of the Pascal's triangle for n = 3:• The intensities are in the ratio 1:3:3:1. Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz