GENERAL SCIENCE 1 / 20 What is the purpose of sphygmomanometer? a) To measure blood pressure b) To measure hypertension c) To measure body temperature d) To measure heart beat 2 / 20 Which one of the following prevents bleeding? a) Leukocytes b) Lymphocytes c) Neutrophils d) Platelets 3 / 20 Which of the following uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects? a) Lidar b) Loran c) Radar d) Sonar 4 / 20 Who discovered antiseptic surgery? a) Alexander Fleming b) Edward Jenner c) Joseph Lister d) Louis Pasteur 5 / 20 Which spacecraft was the first to land on the Moon? a) Apollo 10 b) Apollo 11 c) Apollo 13 d) Sputnik 6 / 20 Which instrument determines specific gravity of liquids? a) Gravimeter b) Hydrometer c) Hygrometer d) Hypsometer 7 / 20 Which one of the following does not belong to the Millennium Goals set by UNO? a) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger b) Achieve universal primary education c) Promote gender equality and empower women d) Improve computer literacy 8 / 20 Which of the following countries is not the member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group? a) Argentina b) Belgium c) Canada d) Iran 9 / 20 When is World Ozone Day observed? a) September 16 b) September 27 c) October 16 d) October 17 10 / 20 Which is the first atomic plant established in India? a) Kaiga b) Kakrapar c) Kalpakkam d) Tarapur 11 / 20 Which of the following is not a fertiliser product? a) Di-ammonium Phosphate b) Calcium Carbonate c) Nitrogen phosphorous potassium complexes d) Urea 12 / 20 When is World Forestry Day celebrated? a) March 3 b) March 21 c) March 22 d) March 23 13 / 20 Which of the following were the objectives of the Mission Chandrayaan-1?(i) to design, develop, launch and orbit a spacecraft around the Moon using an Indian-made launch-vehicle(ii) to conduct scientific experiments using instruments on the spacecraft(iii) to detect water-ice on the Moon (a) Only (i) (b) Only (ii) (c) Only (iii) (d) All the above 14 / 20 In which year was Nobel Prizes awarded first? a) 1901 b) 1912 c) 1923 d) 1924 15 / 20 What did "x" mean in "x-rays"? a) Cross b) Mark c) Star d) Unknown 16 / 20 What are the brighter areas on the sun's surface called? a) Analemma b) Corona c) Faculae d) Nanoflares 17 / 20 What term is used to describe the cultivation of plants without soil? a) Aeroponics b) Aquaponics c) Fogponics d) Hydroponics 18 / 20 Who coined the word Dinosaur for 'terrible lizard'? a) Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins b) Georges Cuvier c) Gideon Mantell d) Richard Owen 19 / 20 What is a young horse called? a) Colt b) Filly c) Foal d) Hack 20 / 20 What is the scientific name of Laughing Gas? a) Nitrous Oxide b) Phosphorous Pentoxide c) Sodium Bicarbonate d) Carbon Tetrachloride Your score isThe average score is 38% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 1 / 20 What is the name of the cells in the body that engulf foreign particles like bacteria? a. Phagocytes b. Globulin c. Fibrinogen d. Albumin 2 / 20 Which acid is used in the body to help digestion? a. Hydrochloric Acid b. Sulphuric Acid c. Acetic Acid d. Boric Acid 3 / 20 Which science is sometimes called ‘central science’? a. Physics b. Chemistry c. Biology d. Geology 4 / 20 Atomic number is represented by which letter? a. A b. M c. X d. Z 5 / 20 What is an Isotope? a. Atoms of an element having different mass number b. Atoms of an element having same mass number c. Atoms of an element having different atomic number d. Atoms of an element having same atomic number 6 / 20 In Periodic table elements are arranged according to their _________ a. Mass number b. Atomic and Mass number c. Atomic number d. None of the above 7 / 20 Which one is an alkaline among the following? a. Vinegar b. Saliva c. Ammonia d. Acid rain 8 / 20 When an acid reacts with a metal carbonate, the products formed are _____________ a. Salt, Water and Carbon dioxide b. Salt and Water c. Water and Carbon dioxide d. Salt and Carbon dioxide 9 / 20 All acids are __________ a. Corrosive when they are strong b. Corrosive when they are weak c. Irritant when they are strong d. None of the above 10 / 20 What is needed for rusting to occur? a. Water b. Oxygen c. Water and Oxygen d. Carbon dioxide 11 / 20 Rusting is an ________ reaction. a. Ionization b. Oxidation c. Reduction d. None of the above 12 / 20 What is the name of that process in which oxygen is removed? a. Oxidation b. Electrolysis c. Ionization d. Reduction 13 / 20 Alloys are ________ a. Harder than the pure metal b. Harder than the impure metal c. Softer than the pure metal d. Softer than the impure metal 14 / 20 Which of the following is not a mixture? a. Steel b. Aluminium c. Graphite d. Glass 15 / 20 Mole is defined as the number of atoms found in _____ of carbon-12? a. 11 grams b. 14 grams c. 10 grams d. 12 grams 16 / 20 Which one of the following is not an element of Noble gases? a. Helium b. Neon c. Xenon d. Hydrogen 17 / 20 There are ___ Groups in the Periodic table. a. 18 b. 17 c. 16 d. 15 18 / 20 What is the number of periods in which Periodic table is divided? a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9 19 / 20 How are the following elements arranged in the Periodic table?H, He, Li, Be and B a. H, He, Li, Be and B b. H, Li, He, Be and B c. H, He, Be, Li and B d. H, Be, He, B and Li 20 / 20 Which of the following is not an allotrope of Carbon? a. Diamond b. Graphite c. Fullerenes d. Glass Your score isThe average score is 83% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 1 / 20 Which of the following carries impure blood? a. Pulmonary artery b. Pulmonary vein c. Alveoli d. Aorta 2 / 20 Who had performed the world’s first heart transplant? a. Dr. Venugopal b. William Harvey c. Christian Bernard d. None of the above 3 / 20 Which is the largest blood vessel in the body? a. Alveoli b. Artery c. Aorta d. Vein 4 / 20 What is the normal value of blood sugar in the body? a. 80 to 120mg/100 ml of blood b. 70 to 120mg/100 ml of blood c. 90 to 120mg/100 ml of blood d. 60 to 120mg/100 ml of blood 5 / 20 What is the full form of ADH? a. Anti Diuretic Hormone b. Adhesive Diuretic Hormone c. Acidic Diuretic Hormone d. Adenosine Double Hormone 6 / 20 Which of the following is the ‘master gland’? a. Thymus gland b. Pancreas c. Pineal gland d. Pituitary gland 7 / 20 Hormones are produced by _____________ a. Endocrine glands b. Pituitary glands c. Hypothalamus d. Pancreas 8 / 20 Saurology is the study of ___________. a. Mosquitoes b. Snake c. Lizards d. Cockroach 9 / 20 Which is the smallest flightless bird? a. Kiwi b. Penguin c. Ostrich d. Rhea 10 / 20 The number of ribs in a human body is _____. a. 23 b. 24 c. 25 d. 22 11 / 20 Which is the vertebrate that has two chambered heart? a. Fish b. Snake c. Blue Whale d. Crocodile 12 / 20 What is the life span of WBC? a. 2-15 days b. 3-15 days c. 4-15 days d. 5-20 days 13 / 20 What is the life span of RBC? a. 130 days b. 110 days c. 100 days d. 120 days 14 / 20 There are _____ number of muscles in human. a. 638 b. 637 c. 639 d. 640 15 / 20 What is the name of the cells in the body that engulf foreign particles like bacteria? a. Phagocytes b. Globulin c. Fibrinogen d. Albumin 16 / 20 _________________ is the longest cell. a. Nerve Cell b. Skin c. Spleen d. None of the above 17 / 20 Which is the largest human cell? a. Liver b. Skin c. Spleen d. Ovum 18 / 20 The largest cell is ________________ a. Nerve Cell b. Ovum c. The egg of an Ostrich d. None of the above 19 / 20 What is the physical phase of life called? a. Protoplasm b. Cytoplasm c. Organelles d. None of the above 20 / 20 Which animal never drinks water in its entire life? a. Kangaroo b. Hippopotamus c. Rat d. Kangaroo rat Your score isThe average score is 70% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 1 / 20 The man who is a specialist in winemaking is called as ? a.Wenologitst b.Grapologist c.None d.Oenologist 2 / 20 If a tropical rainforest is removed, it does not regenerate quickly as compared to a tropical deciduous forest. This is because a.The rain forest species are slow growing b.The soil of rainforest is deficient in nutrients c.Propagules of the trees in a rainforest have poor viability d.Exotic species invade the fertile soil of rainforest 3 / 20 Which of the following is used in pencils? a.Silicon b.Charcoal c.Graphite d.Phosphorous 4 / 20 Seawater (i.e. saltwater) freezes at: a.the same temperature ad fresh water b.Seawater does not freeze a slightly lower temperature thatn fresh water a slightly higher temperature than fresh water 5 / 20 Which of the following crops is known as Green Gold? a.Tea b.Rice c.Neem d.Coffee 6 / 20 In fireworks, the green flame is produced because of a.Sodium b.Mercury c.Potassium d.Barium 7 / 20 The longest period of prenatal development is the a.Germinal period b.Embryonic Period c.None d.Fetal Period 8 / 20 What is the name of the new generation nuclear-capable missile tested by the DRDO? a.Bhim b.Agni-P (Prime) c.Bharat d.Arjun-P (Prime) 9 / 20 In a laser (say neon laser) all the atoms emit the light waves of a.Same amplitude b.Same phase c.All of the above d.Same Frequency 10 / 20 The uranium fuel used worldwide is mainly in the form of a.U308 b.UO2 c.UF6 d.U Metal 11 / 20 The filament of an electric bulb is made of a.Tungsten b.Graphite c.Nichrome d.Iron 12 / 20 A married couple adopted a male child. A few years later, twin boys were born to them. The blood group of the couple is AB positive and O negative. The blood group of the three sons is A positive, B positive, and O positive. The blood group of the adopted son is a.Cannot be determined on the basis of the given data b.A Positive c.B Positive d.O Positive 13 / 20 Potassium Permanganate is used for purifying drinking water, because a.It dissolves the impurities of water b.It is an oxidising agent c.It is a reducing agent d.It is a sterilising agent 14 / 20 Pollination by wind is called a.zoophily b.Anemophily c.Hydrophily d.Entomophily 15 / 20 The radioactive element most commonly detected in humans is a.Iodine-131 b.Potassium-40 c.Plutonium-238 d.Cobait-60 16 / 20 Which of the following foods does not support bacterial growth? a.Refried beans b.Sauted onions c.Raw Carrots d.Cooked rice 17 / 20 The gases used in different types of welding would include a.Oxygen, acetylene and argon b.Oxygen and acetylene c.Oxygen and hydrogen d.Oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen 18 / 20 The gases used in different types of welding would include a.Oxygen, acetylene and argon b.Oxygen and acetylene c.Oxygen and hydrogen d.Oxygen, hydrogen, acetylene and nitrogen 19 / 20 The first synthetic fibre made by man was ____ ? a.Terycott b.Rayon c.Polyster d.Nylom 20 / 20 Which of the following plants is not capable of manufacturing its own food? a.Carrot b.Cabbage c.Alage d.Mushroom Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 5 1 / 20 Genetic alteration probably refers to altering what a.Genes found on cytoplasm b.Genes found on chromosomes c.All of the above d.Genes found on ribosomes 2 / 20 Which of the following is not a sedimentary structure? a.Rock color b.Mud cracks c.Graded bedding d.Ripple marks 3 / 20 What about Earth allows it to maintain bodies of water? a.Mountains b.Temperatures c.Comet Crashes d.Moderate 4 / 20 For Galvanizing Iron, which of the following Metals is used? a.Zinc b.Aluminum c.Copper d.Lead 5 / 20 Which of the following parts of the sun is easily visible only during a total solar eclipse? a.Sunspots b.Core c.Photosphere d.Corona 6 / 20 The best colors for a sun umbrella will be a.Black on top white on inside b.White on top blak on inside c.Red on top white on inside d.Black on top red on inside 7 / 20 Which of the following has got more heat capacity? Benzene Water Iron piece Gold piece 8 / 20 The cross section of a chisel is usually a.Octagonal b.Rectangular c.Hexagonal d.Circular 9 / 20 Iodine test is used to detect a.Carbohydrates b.Fat c.Cholesterol d.Protein 10 / 20 The blue color of the clear sky is due to a.Diffraction of light b.Refraction of light c.Dispresion of light d.Reflection of light 11 / 20 Cyanide is historically found in the following except a.Teflon b.All of the above c.Cherries d.Apricots 12 / 20 Plants synthesis protein from a.Fatty acids b.Starch c.Sugar d.Amino Acids 13 / 20 The Ozone Layer restricts from a.Radio waves b.X-Rays and Gamma Rays c.Infrared Rays d.Untraviolet Radiation 14 / 20 When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called a.Condensation b.Deposition c.Sublimation d.Evaporation 15 / 20 Which of the following is likely during vigorous exercise? a.Blood will be diverted to the digestive organs. b.Blood flow to the kidneys increases. c.Capillaries of the active muscles will be engorged with blood. d.The skin will be cold and clammy 16 / 20 Which one of the following types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus? Radio waves Microwaves Infra-red waves None of the above 17 / 20 The theory which advocates that living beings can arise only from other living beings is termed Bio-genesis Catastrophism Abiogenesis Cosmozoic 18 / 20 Which of the following is the lowermost layer of the Atmosphere? a.Exosphere b.Mesosphere c.Troposphere d.Thermosphere 19 / 20 What is the scientific name for washing soda? Sodium bicarbonate Calcium carbonate Sodium carbonate Calcium bicarbonate 20 / 20 Which one of the following types of laser is used in laser printers? a.Excimer b.Gas laser c.Dye laser d.Semiconductor laser Your score isThe average score is 72% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE - 4 1 / 20 What is the PH range of acids? 0 - 7 7 - 14 1 - 7 7 - 15 2 / 20 Which of the following quantity increases in a group when we move from top to bottom? Valency Electronegativity Atomic size Ionization energy 3 / 20 What is the atomic number of phosphorus? 12 13 14 15 4 / 20 How many carbon atoms are present in heptane? 6 7 8 5 5 / 20 What is the S.I unit of electric charge? Coulomb Ampere Faraday Ohm 6 / 20 What is the color of SO2 gas? Blue Grey Colorless Brown 7 / 20 According to newton's second law of motion, change in momentum per unit time is equal to ________. Force Energy Acceleration Work 8 / 20 What is the other name of Newton's first law of motion? Action-reaction Change in momentum Law of inertia Constant momentum 9 / 20 What is the color of AgBr? Blue Brown White yellow 10 / 20 What is the unit of wavelength? Hertz Diopter Faraday Meter 11 / 20 What is the basic unit of our excretory system? Neutron Neuron Nephron Nucleon 12 / 20 What is the basic unit of our neural system? Neutron Neuron Nephron Nucleon 13 / 20 Name the gland which is present above our kidneys? Adrenal Pituitary Gonads Salivary 14 / 20 Which of the following gland is present in the human mouth? Adrenal Pituitary Gonads Salivary 15 / 20 Which of the following enzymes is not present in the human stomach? Pepsin Hydrochloric acid Mucus Trypsin 16 / 20 Acid turns blue litmus paper into which color? Black Blue Red Orange 17 / 20 What is the S.I unit of frequency? Diopter Second Hertz Meter 18 / 20 Which of the following compound is mainly used in hand sanitizer? Aldehyde Acetic acid Alcohol Ketone 19 / 20 Which of the following gas is reduced in the reduction process? Oxygen Helium Carbon Hydrogen 20 / 20 What is the PH of H2O? 6 7 8 9 Your score isThe average score is 85% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 3 1 / 20 ___ contributes towards global warming so it is called a greenhouse gas: [A] Oxygen [B] Methane [C] Nitrogen [D] Hydrogen 2 / 20 During inhalation, the ribs ____: [A] Move inwards [B] Move sideways [C] Move upwards [D] Move downwards 3 / 20 Yeast and mushrooms are the examples of organisms of which kingdom? [A] Fungi [B] Protista [C] Monera [D] Plantae 4 / 20 The ____ helps in equalising the pressure on either sides of the eardrum: [A] Malleus [B] Incus [C] Cochlear nerve [D] Eustachian tube 5 / 20 The method not used as a Biological control is ____: [A] Pheromone traps [B] Use of pesticides [C] Use of predators of a pest [D] Use of Neem extracts 6 / 20 A renewable, biodegradable fuel that is manufactured from vegetable oils and animal fats are called __ [A] Bioethanol [B] Biomethane [C] Biodiesel [D] None of these 7 / 20 Which of the following statements is true about the human liver? [A] Liver is triangular in shape [B] Liver is the only visceral organ that can regenerate [C] Liver is the largest and the internal organ of the human body [D] All of the above 8 / 20 Which of the following helps to protect the stomach wall from its secretion of hydrochloric acid? [A] Pepsin [B] Trypsin [C] Amylase [D] Mucus 9 / 20 Where are the nephrons located? [A] In the cortex and medulla [B] In the Ureter [C] In the Urinary Bladder [D] None of the above 10 / 20 If a person is put on dialysis, does he suffer? [A] Heart disease [B] Kidney disease [C] Respiratory problem [D] None of the above 11 / 20 How much food is harvested for food in a cow? [A] 40 % [B] 50 % [C] 60 % [D] 80 % 12 / 20 Which of the following is known as animal starch? [A] Cellulose [B] Glucose [C] Glycogen [D] Pectin 13 / 20 Which of the following group of mammals, the placenta is absent? [A] Prototheria [B] Metatheria [C] Eutheria [D] Theria 14 / 20 Hair is mainly used for which of the following? [A] defense [B] coloration [C] insulation [D] sensation 15 / 20 Which of the following bird is viviparous? [A] Penguin [B] Humming bird [C] Albatross [D] None of these 16 / 20 The canal system in sponges develops due to which of the following? [A] Porous walls [B] Gastrovascular system [C] Reproduction [D] Folding of inner walls 17 / 20 Which of the following was invented by Jonas Salk? [A] Polio Drop [B] Polio Vaccine [C] BCG Vaccine [D] aspirin 18 / 20 Which of the following biologist is related to Cell Theory? [A] Carl Linnaeus [B] Theophrastus [C] Theodor Schwann [D] Francis Galton 19 / 20 Which branch of biology is known for the study of internal body structure? [A] Anatomy [B] Biometrics [C] Pathology [D] None of these 20 / 20 Which of the following features are considered for a compound to be aromatic? [A] Planarity [B] Complete delocalisation of the π electrons in the ring [C] Presence of (4n + 2) π electrons in the ring where n is an integer [D] All of the above Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz GENERAL SCIENCE 2 1 / 20 What happens to the effective nuclear charge as we move from left to right in the periodic table? [A] It increases [B] it decreases [C] It remains constant [D] It increases till 4th group then decreases 2 / 20 Robert Hooke is known for which of the following works? [A] how messages pass between nerve cells in mammals [B] first use of the word cell [C] theory of punctuated equilibrium [D] aquatic ape theory 3 / 20 Which of the following branch of biology deals with the study of Cartilage? [A] Chondrology [B] Chromatology [C] Cnidology [D] Conchology 4 / 20 Which is the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust? [A] Iron [B] Aluminium [C] Copper [D] Silicon 5 / 20 Which of the following compound was used to isolate Potassium metal for the first time? [A] Potassium oxide [B] Potassium peroxide [C] Potassium hydroxide [D] Potassium superoxide 6 / 20 Which of these is a biodegradable polymer? [A] PLA [B] PCL [C] PGA [D] All of the above 7 / 20 What are the lines joining places of zero declination known as? [A] Isoclinic [B] Agonic [C] Aclinic [D] Isogonic 8 / 20 What is the S.I. unit of electric charge? [A] Ampere [B] Coulomb [C] Joule [D] Watt 9 / 20 What do we call the magnitude of the drift velocity per unit electric field? [A] Current Density [B] Mobility [C] Conductance [D] Resistance 10 / 20 Which of the following is true about an adiabatic wall? [A] it allows flow of heat from one system to another [B] it allows flow of particles from one system to another [C] it does not allow flow of heat from one system to another [D] None of the above 11 / 20 What is the internal restoring force acting per unit area of cross section of the deformed body called? [A] Strain [B] Stress [C] Pressure [D] Surface Tension 12 / 20 Which of the following is NOT correct about an inelastic collision? [A] Linear momentum is conserved [B] Kinetic energy is conserved [C] Total energy is conserved [D] Some or all the forces involved may be non-conservative in nature 13 / 20 What is the work done by centripetal force in case of Uniform Circular Motion? [A] 1 joule [B] 0 joule [C] Depends on the magnitude of Force [D] None of the above 14 / 20 Saffron’ is obtained from which among the following parts of the plant? [A] Stigma [B] Anther [C] Stamen [D] Pollen 15 / 20 The monocarpic plants produce flowers only ________? [A] Once in a year [B] Once in a season [C] Once in lifetime [D] One flower per plant 16 / 20 The term “Gypsophils” is associated with the people who have liking for which among the following? [A] Vultures [B] Eagles [C] Hawks [D] Falcons 17 / 20 Which among the following is not an Enzyme? [A] Gastrin [B] Ptyalin [C] Pepsin [D] Rennin 18 / 20 Out of Diphtheria, Whooping cough, Typhoid , Diarrhea & Malaria which is not caused by bacteria? [A] Whooping Cough [B] Typhoid [C] Malaria [D] None of the above 19 / 20 Identify the thermosetting plastic from the given options: [A] Polythene [B] Bakelite [C] Polyvincychloride [D] Casseine 20 / 20 Which among the following kinds of roots are found in Sugarcane? [A] Prop Roots [B] Stilt Roots [C] Pneumatophores [D] Nodulose Roots Your score isThe average score is 63% 0% Restart quiz