Exam Job Expert


1 / 10

Who is the leader of-the opposition Labour Party in the United Kingdom?

2 / 10

Who has been appointed the new Foreign Secretary?

3 / 10

In the recently concluded first round of the parliamentary elections in France, which of the following came in second, with around 29% of the vote?

4 / 10

In which year did coal mining in the Telangana region start, with the establishment of the Hyderabad (Deccan) Company Ltd in England?

5 / 10

How many MPs were suspended during the 17th Lok Sabha term, including Rajya Sabha MPs?

6 / 10

How many factory inspectors are sanctioned across India?

7 / 10

An infamous study with glaring bioethics violations was conducted in Tuskegee aiming to research which disease?

8 / 10

What is the real name of the godman Bhole Baba?

9 / 10

Which 26/11 accused is likely to be extradited from the US, as per recent developments?

10 / 10

Who is the State Congress chief for Jharkhand?

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