Exam Job Expert


1 / 10

Which party does South African President Cyril Ramaphosa belong to, that lost majority in the recent elections?

2 / 10

Which of the following is NOT true about Hong Kong’s Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu?

3 / 10

Payal Kapadia's which film won the Grand Prix at Cannes recently?

4 / 10

Keir Starmer is a politician from which country?

5 / 10

The Mullaperiyar dam is located in which State?

6 / 10

Which of the following Israeli Prime Ministers signed the Oslo Accords?

7 / 10

Who is in line to be the first woman Chief Justice of India?

8 / 10

In which part of Delhi, an unusual temperature of 52.9 degrees Celsius was recorded on May 29?

9 / 10


10 / 10

In which Indian State/UT is the world's highest polling station?

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