Exam Job Expert


1 / 10

Who is the Union Social Justice Minister?

2 / 10

What syndrome, a neurological disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks part of the peripheral nervous system, is known to attack people with Zika virus?

3 / 10

Which of the following countries won a medal in athletics for the first time, during the Paris Olympics?

4 / 10

In which country was the first edition of the International Mathematics Olympiad held in 1959?

5 / 10

How many Test match wickets did the former Indian fast bowler Kapil Dev finish with?

6 / 10

Which former Olympic gold medallist diver from USA announced his retirement?

7 / 10

Hezbollah is a party and paramilitary group belonging to which country?

8 / 10

Who is the Supreme Leader of the Taliban?

9 / 10

What is Indonesia’s proposed new capital called?

10 / 10

According to the National Institutional Ranking Framework list of rankings of the best educational institutions in India, which was declared the best ‘innovational institution’?

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