Exam Job Expert


1 / 10

Przhevalsky known for Przewalski's horse, Przewalski's gazelle, and the wild Bactrian camel, all of which are now endangered, was from which country?

2 / 10

The Adelaide Oval cricket ground is in which country?

3 / 10

Amol Kale passed away following a cardiac arrest in New York. He was the honorary president of which cricket association?

4 / 10

World champion Max Verstappen drives for which team?

5 / 10

Which of the following is NOT one of the BRICS countries?

6 / 10

Prem Singh Tamang, who was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Sikkim is from which party?

7 / 10

Pravind Jugnauth is the Prime Minister of which country?

8 / 10

Which of the following NDA MPs had recently said that the BJP’s national leadership will relieve him of his ministerial responsibility and permit him to honour his cinema commitments?

9 / 10

How many countries are part of the European Union?

10 / 10

Ministers in key portfolios will continue in the new NDA government as well. Which of the following is a newly appointed Minister?

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