ATOMIC STRUCTURE(QUIZ-2) 1 / 5 In nuclear reactors heavy water is used as a Fuel Projectile Moderator Arrester Heavy water (D2O) works as a moderator to slow down the speed of neutron 2 / 5 If a radioactive element is placed in an evacuated container, its rate of disintegration Will be increased Will be decreased Will change very slightly Will remain unchanged The rate of disintegration does not depend upon environmental factors 3 / 5 The number of radial nodes of 3𝑠 and 2𝑝-orbitals are respectively 2, 0 0, 2 1, 2 2, 11 Number of radial nodes = (𝑛 − 𝑙 − 1)For 3𝑠, 𝑛 = 3, 𝑙 = 0(number of radial node=2)For 2𝑝, 𝑛 = 2, 𝑙 = 1(number of radial node=0) 4 / 5 When 𝑛/𝑝 ratio of an isotope is greater than the stable isotope of that element, it emits β−particles α−particles Neutron Positron Isotope must have some number of proton,therefore β-particle will be emitted 5 / 5 Which of the following projectiles is the best for bombarding the nuclide? α−particle Proton Deuteron Neutron Neutron is the best projectile Your score isThe average score is 52% 0% Restart quiz