POST : Jr. Executive Air Traffic Control (ATC)
EXAM : Airport Authority Of India’s (AAI ) online exam
Total marks: 120.
Time duration: 2 hours.
Exam pattern:
Part A: 60 questions from basic physics & mathematics.
1) Physics: All basic principles (Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Heisenberg’s principle, etc. ), their equations, problems on velocity & Acceleration, double slit experiment.
2) Maths: Integration, Derivatives, Matrix (Rank of matrix, eigenvalue), Ellipse, Hyperbola, Parabola problems, etc.
Part B:
1) English language (20 marks). This includes questions on articles, and fill in the blanks with appropriate. Word, finding errors in given sentences, etc.
2) General intelligence/ Reasoning (15 marks). Word relations, decision making, etc.
3) General aptitude (15 marks). Problems on trains, time and work, ages, number series, etc.
4) GK (10 marks). Different awards and their winners, Current affairs, Indian History, Scientists and inventions, etc.
There is no negative marking.
The practice of MCQs will definitely help to clear the online exam round.
All the best