REACTION MECHANISM(QUIZ-3) 1 / 5 The electrophilic aromatic substitution proceeds through a: free radical sigma complex benzyne carbene The electrophilic aromatic substitution proceeds through the formation of a sigma complex. In this reaction, the electrophilic species (like a carbocation) attacks the aromatic ring, forming a cyclohexadienyl cation intermediate, which is a sigma complex. 2 / 5 Many organic compounds are prepared by using PCl5Â because: OH group of alcohol is easily replaced by chlorine atom chlorines are added to the unsaturated compounds it removes water from organic compounds phosphorus atoms are entered in the alcohol Substitution of -OH group from a substrate can be easily made by PCl5 3 / 5 Common oxidizing agents used in organic chemistry are; fenton's reagent osmium tetroxide acidified KMnO4 all are correct All these are oxidizing reagents 4 / 5 The hydrolysis of alkyl halides by aqueous NaOH is best termed as: electrophilic substitution reaction electrophilic addition reaction nucleophilic addition reaction nucleophilic substitution reaction 5 / 5 SN1 reaction on optically active substrates mainly gives: retention in configuration inversion in configuration racemic product no product SN1 mechanism gives rise to 50% inversion as it involves front seat as well as back seat substitution. this leads to racemic products Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz